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I'm using the Overpass API to access OSM data for local town and county boundaries (relation objects)

From what I can understand, the Overpass queries for local geometries are based on admin_level — from 1 - 10.

In Nominatim's API, the zoom levels — in particular from 10-18 — seem capable of returning local boundaries that are deeper and more localized than Overpass' admin_levels.

Is there any way to access the Nominatim localized geometries, on zoom levels like 10-18, using Overpass API queries?

This question is marked "community wiki".

asked 10 Aug '21, 09:57

sbutler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Provide OSM links to examples of what Nominatim returns that's not accessible via Overpass. Not all boundaries are political with admin_level tag.

(10 Aug '21, 12:38) DaveF

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question asked: 10 Aug '21, 09:57

question was seen: 947 times

last updated: 10 Aug '21, 12:38

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