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Hi everyone. I have used Nominatim on my machine already through a docker installation: installed docker image and installed PostgreSQL + postgis on my machine. My next goal is to make Nominatim independent of my machine and install both the database it is using and the nominatim instance itself in a docker container / or two separate containers.

So I'm thinking either of having two docker containers: one having nominatim and one having the database. Then tell nominatim that it can find the database in the docker container. Both containers have to be started and run at the same time.

So when I installed Nominatim on my machine, I used this guide:

Now the main question would be how to change this part: docker run -t -v /home/me/nominatimdata:/data nominatim sh /app/ /data/merged.osm.pbf postgresdata 4. The italic part is where I specify where to save the data that will be created for nominatim. I want this to be in the docker image of the database.

Has anyone tried combining the db and Nominatim using docker compose?

Has anyone ever tried this and can share information on how to do this or is this not possible because of some reasons?

I would love to hear your thoughts! Arusha

asked 09 Aug '21, 09:07

Arusha29's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Aug '21, 11:35 is well maintained and you can ask questions in their issue tracker. It's much easier to have a separate database container.

In your docker compose configuration file you'd do something like

services: nominatim: image: ... ... depends_on: - db db: image: ... ...

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answered 09 Aug '21, 13:30

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thanks for your reply, I hadn't seen there were issues already open for docker-compose on GitHub (Google didn't direct me there..) I will try this!

permanent link

answered 12 Aug '21, 09:05

Arusha29's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 09 Aug '21, 09:07

question was seen: 6,694 times

last updated: 12 Aug '21, 09:05

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