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I would like to be able to edit OSM from GNOME Maps, which I believe is now supposed to be possible. However, when I try to set up my GNOME Maps to work with OSM I enter my OSM correct credentials and get a message that says "Authorization Request Failed. You have denied application GNOME Maps access to your account." Has anyone run into this problem? How can I authorize GNOME Maps to access my OSM account?

Update: I'm running PureOS 9.0.

Thank you,

asked 09 Aug '21, 03:01

Arcenis's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Aug '21, 02:11


Yes I have exactly this problem as well! Running Ubuntu 21.04.

(09 Aug '21, 23:33) stevebrodie
(10 Aug '21, 03:10) jmapb

Also have the same problem.

(19 Aug '21, 07:20) martin_tct

Me three! It currently says "Authorisation request failed" "You have denied application GNOME Maps access to your account". Do we need to create a web API?

(26 Aug '21, 20:51) paulhiles262

Try upgrading gnome-maps.

I'm using Gentoo and gnome-maps-41.4 seems to work. I had an older version installed previously and it wasn't able to authorize me (I don't recall what version I had installed).

BTW, seems one can add POIs with gnome-maps and that's about it, and I guess I've been using iD for so long that it seems redundant. Still could be useful for some people I suppose.

(21 Apr '22, 21:48) gpserror

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question asked: 09 Aug '21, 03:01

question was seen: 1,278 times

last updated: 21 Apr '22, 21:52

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum