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I tried to download a current version of a map from

The details of the file were the following:

The file mentioned is 59GB. After completing the download the file size was 63.4GB.
I am not familiar with PBF files and unsure if this is expected bloating or not.

Any explanation of the difference in file size would be useful,


asked 07 Aug '21, 18:36

Morry's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Aug '21, 21:46

Perphaps, when you download the file the change set downloads as well?

(07 Aug '21, 18:38) Morry

The download should match the advertised size, and the md5sum should also match.

For the avoidance of doubt, the pbf file for the whole planet isn't "a map" but "something you can use to create a map". Depending on what you actually want, other downloads may be more appropriate. Also, as the download page says, if you really do want a pbf file for the whole planet, one of the mirrors or the torrent link may be a better option.

What did you want to do with the downloaded file?

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answered 07 Aug '21, 18:54

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 07 Aug '21, 22:55

thanks for your reply,

So, it's correct to assume when you download the planet pbf file you get the changes as well. I wasn't aware that they were paired together. That would make sense from the file size point of view. However, it's not explained.

The object of selecting the file was to use it offline with another application to view tiles of certain regions with various degrees of details. highway, road, intersection, major retail stores and pair it with a modal distance calculator data set.

I haven't plugged in the file yet, because I wanted to make sure it wasn't bloated. So is it normal to download the planet file and get the change set as well?
And does openstreetmap provide distance matricies by mode (car, bike, train, foot) as well?

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answered 07 Aug '21, 21:39

Morry's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Aug '21, 21:45


To be clear, the planet file is only one set of (current) data, it is not one set of data and one set changes. The size difference you observe is almost certainly due to unit confusion (1.00 GB = 1.07 GiB, therefore 59.0 GB = 63.4 GiB) and has nothing to do with the file contents or any kind of "bloat". To obtain distance metrics you will need to load the data into a routing engine (e.g. GraphHopper, OSRM) and then use that engine's API.

(08 Aug '21, 11:31) Frederik Ramm ♦

Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't aware of the difference in SI and binary Gigabytes.

After you mentioned it, it would make sense

Thanks, The suggestions and clarifications.

(09 Aug '21, 17:02) Morry

Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't aware of the difference in SI and binary Gigabytes.

After you mentioned it, it would make sense

Thanks, for the suggestions and clarifications.

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answered 09 Aug '21, 17:03

Morry's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Aug '21, 17:12

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question asked: 07 Aug '21, 18:36

question was seen: 1,646 times

last updated: 09 Aug '21, 17:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum