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Has anyone ever used a tag or saw an object like it, it aint a ruin nor is it demolished. Building disused, abandoned or demolished but unfinished can be found in all kind of stages, ground floor, walls or no roof. I never counted them but there are some, even buried underground.

asked 04 Aug '21, 20:05

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

As noted by InsertUser, you can use the building=construction But I prefer the lifecycle tagging and would use construction:building=yes|house|detached|etc as it can impart a little more information.

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answered 05 Aug '21, 05:30

n76's gravatar image

accept rate: 17%

Thanks guys, Ill go for the most information line. It will be construction:building=bunker, unfinished:military=shelter, heritage=UNESCO, building:material=concrete, building:part=groundfloor; partly:walls

(05 Aug '21, 20:35) Hendrikklaas

That sounds like building=construction.

There are a few abandoned:building=construction about too.

permanent link

answered 05 Aug '21, 03:39

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 04 Aug '21, 20:05

question was seen: 935 times

last updated: 05 Aug '21, 20:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum