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Hope all are doing well. Can someone please let me know following functionalities can be implemented using Openstreetmap ?

1- want to show only one state (suppose Maharastra in Inda), not complete map. 2- Show all districts of that state (Maharastra) with boundaries 3- Show regions (Blocks of district) on click on specific district

If doable then please share any sample, API or help manual for implementation.

asked 04 Aug '21, 12:17

JaydevJangid's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


For 1, it's tricky, but UMap allows to restrict the map view to some bounding box. To really display only the state, and blank tiles otherwise, you'll have to create your own rendering stack AFAIK.

This overpass query will display all the districts (admin_level=5) of Maharastra, this resolves 2.

And you can load the result of overpass queries in UMap, to combine 1 and 2. Either dynamically, but the load on the server is high and the data should not change often, or statically, you export the data from overpass turbo, and import it as a layer in UMap.

But for 3, I don't see the regions in the list of admin_levels for India, so I don't think they exists in OSM.

Hope this helps. Regards.

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answered 04 Aug '21, 16:06

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 04 Aug '21, 12:17

question was seen: 712 times

last updated: 04 Aug '21, 16:06

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