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Hello, I noticed an incorrect place name or map display. When I click on the map, the tooltip for the marker shows me the location of Brandenburg for the following coordinates, even though the marker in Berlin is set on the map after the border has passed.

lat: 52.63870540666738 lng: 13.390896320343018 52 ° 38 '19.3395' 'N. 13 ° 23 '27.2268' 'E.

This is a big problem for us because the information provided by our users to these coordinates is assigned to a wrong state and thus makes our data analysis incorrect. I don't know how we can correct the location information or whether it is perhaps an old border line. What should I do?

Many greetings Fredo

asked 03 Aug '21, 08:24

Pleppo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Nominatim's reverse search algorithm looks for the nearest named map feature, but for the lookup of parent boundaries at the street associated with the map feature. It doesn't re-evaluate if the city, state, country is different, e.g. when the street crosses a boundary. I'm not saying that's correct, just describing the current logic. It's tracked at returns "Kalktuffgelände am Tegeler Fließ, Mönchmühlenstraße, Musikerviertel, Schildow, Mönchmühle, Mühlenbecker Land, Oberhavel, Brandenburg, 16552, Germany" Looking at the address list we can see the associated street Mönchmühlenstraße ( is across the border in Brandenburg. It's not a good match but there aren't other named streets closer by.

It makes sense to report the example at because maybe a nature reserve shouldn't be assigned a nearest road.

If you have control over the request sent to Nominatim you can try using the 'zoom' parameter. For example setting it to 5 (state level) will return Berlin.

permanent link

answered 03 Aug '21, 11:15

mtmail's gravatar image

accept rate: 27%

Thanx for the Information! :-)


(03 Aug '21, 11:24) Pleppo

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question asked: 03 Aug '21, 08:24

question was seen: 1,308 times

last updated: 03 Aug '21, 12:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum