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alt text

asked 02 Aug '21, 12:55

%E5%AE%AB%E6%9C%AC%E5%AE%87%E6%A3%AE's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There could be several reasons for this.

If this is in a lake, then it needs to be set as the inner boundary of the lake multipolygon. If if is not a multipolygon yet then it will need to be turned into one.

If this is in the ocean then it needs and unbroken sequence of ways with natural=coastline around the perimeter so that it has the land on the left side of the ways and ocean on the right. An error in this can break rendering. If the island is newly mapped then it may take a while for it to appear as coastline rendering is special and has a bit of a delay.

permanent link

answered 02 Aug '21, 18:20

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

OK! Work out successfully! Thanks

(03 Aug '21, 04:43) 宫本宇森

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question asked: 02 Aug '21, 12:55

question was seen: 918 times

last updated: 03 Aug '21, 04:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum