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Hi, I’m trying to set up a tile server following the instructions at -

I have a fresh install of Ubuntu Linux 20.04 LTS.

I’m ok as far as the Apache2 Ubuntu Default Page but when I try to run renderd for the first time with- $ renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf I get the following-

renderd[150270]: Rendering daemon started

renderd[150270]: Initiating request_queue

renderd[150270]: Parsing section mapnik

renderd[150270]: Parsing section ajt

No valid (active) renderd config section available

As per the instruction I have edited renderd.conf so the first line is;-


And the file mapnik.xml is at that location and consists of 4k+ lines. I’m not sure where to go next, any help will be greatly appreciated.

asked 02 Aug '21, 09:27

chris's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 02 Aug '21, 16:33

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦

If the first line really is "XML=/home/fozz/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml[renderd]" then it looks like you've just added something at the very beginning of the file. You can see a working one here.

In there, in the "ajt" section there is the line "XML=/home/renderaccount/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml". If you're using the named map style "ajt" then you'll need to update the "XML" setting under "[ajt]" to point to "/home/fozz/src/openstreetmap-carto/mapnik.xml".

permanent link

answered 02 Aug '21, 16:36

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 02 Aug '21, 09:27

question was seen: 1,749 times

last updated: 02 Aug '21, 16:36

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum