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When I use the "Query features" feature I get the above error most of the time but not always. It's been happening for some months but I'm only now getting round to asking about it.

I've tried various cookie, privacy and anti-tracker settings in my browser, also disabling IPV6, but nothing I've done fixes it. I've also set up a new user with default settings. I've also tried it on my phone and on my laptop tethered to my phone to try a different IP address.

I'm using Safari in MacOS and iOS, all on latest versions.

There was what seems to be a similar issue back in 2016 which was fixed.


asked 29 Jul '21, 16:49

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edited 29 Jul '21, 16:49

I've seen this a lot and thought it just depended on how busy the servers are. Doing the query features I've always thought is a very expensive (computationally, not cost) operation, probably does an extract and then does a close-to type search. I just repeat the query after a few seconds hoping the worst has passed and usually it's fine, though sometimes I need to do it again, and again. But it eventually gets through.

Worst case I end up just pulling up iD which is a lot of data transfer and doesn't do the search, but at least it usually gets the info I need.

(31 Jul '21, 06:23) gpserror

Thanks gpserror. At least I know it's not just me. Someone suggested it's because the server limits the number of queries from one IP address but the response seems so random.

Shame because it's a really good feature. I'm trying to get my local council to use OSM and this sort of issue is offputting for them. Maybe someone with technical knowledge of the server could comment.

And yes I use iD if necessary.

(31 Jul '21, 20:09) Chris99

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question asked: 29 Jul '21, 16:49

question was seen: 947 times

last updated: 31 Jul '21, 20:09

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum