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Weird question, but does anybody know where are the data stored on uMap (DBMS, servers location, etc.) ?

If you have references it's even better.


asked 27 Jul '21, 16:23

DouxDoux's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It depends on the instance you're using.

If it's, the wiki says it's managed by OSM-FR, hosted by OVH in Roubaix, France.

As for the DBMS, it uses GeoDjango, which support most databases (with a preference for PostgreSQL with PostGIS).

If I might be curious, why do you ask ?


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answered 27 Jul '21, 20:15

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

The database only holds map metadata. There's also a "datalayer" directory on disk that holds all the map layers as GeoJSON. If you have added a lot of data to your map(s), then that datalayer directory can contain GeoJSON files that dwarf the actual database size.

(27 Jul '21, 23:20) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 27 Jul '21, 16:23

question was seen: 999 times

last updated: 27 Jul '21, 23:20

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