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Hi I'm having trouble following the instructions on how to undelete a node using Level0 editor.

To me, there appears to be an instruction missing between points 3 & 4. I've tried the top four buttons on the site

& then clicking 'upload to OSM' but all I get is 'Nothing to upload' or Reading URL infinitely. Could someone help me fill in the gaps?

asked 27 Jul '21, 12:00

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

I think the error is because you haven't changed the text field. You need to copy the previous data once it loads, then load the deleted version into the form and then paste the old contents over the deleted info.

permanent link

answered 28 Jul '21, 03:13

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

Or at least the conflict detector quits complaining at that point, not really an editor I'm familiar with.

(28 Jul '21, 03:21) InsertUser

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question asked: 27 Jul '21, 12:00

question was seen: 1,319 times

last updated: 28 Jul '21, 03:21

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum