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Hello - there's a small error that in the traffic scheme that I can't figure out how to fix near the Hollywood's causing a really painful mis-routing in Mapbox. Is there someone who might be able to jump on the phone for a couple minutes to coach me? My name is Ric -


asked 24 Jul '21, 02:36

WayfarerJourney's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Where exactly are we talking? Like, do you have a link on OSM to the specific location and a description of what's happening?

(24 Jul '21, 03:18) Baloo Uriza

There is a US slack, and US and California specific mailing lists if you want to target some more local channels.

(24 Jul '21, 03:26) InsertUser

I'm quite familiar with the area, but that familiarity is also leading to my bewilderment with how vague this location description is relative to how detailed a map needs to be for navigation to be automatable.

Ric, could you please reply to the thread?

(24 Jul '21, 21:34) Baloo Uriza

Thanks so much, Baloo! I'm on this map:

Also - many thanks for the recommendation to join Slack. I took your advice there.

(24 Jul '21, 21:46) WayfarerJourney

Over the last 18 hours...I made a bunch of corrections to the traffic scheme to adjust things that were clearly incorrect. I'm not sure if I've actually solved the issue that is causing me a problem with the routing directions that are being rendered in my application ( Mapbox. Right now, I'm pausing work on this to allow the APIs to Mapbox to catch up.

(24 Jul '21, 21:50) WayfarerJourney

OK, so what's the behavior you're getting and what's the expected behavior?

(24 Jul '21, 22:05) Baloo Uriza

A screen grab of the routing and a note of what routing should show would allow us to see the junction and inspect the tagging.

(25 Jul '21, 11:55) andy mackey
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question asked: 24 Jul '21, 02:36

question was seen: 454 times

last updated: 25 Jul '21, 11:55

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