Whenever they crossed my path, i've been mapping in the last 10 month churches and or adding names to church buildings that had none such as this one https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/274483177 or POI's or simply edited the building so became co-owner. There are no other references to the same name on the building or on a separate nearby POI. Osmose has suddenly given me a list of 100+ with the comment 'unnecessary' or a comment "descriptive name name=Cristo Risorto The bulk of those alerted on are from 7 to 9 month old change sets suspecting someone decided to run a script like another 150 appearing in the list with 'building:roof:shape' is deprecated... use roof:shape. Read up again on the church wiki and sure enough the name tag is the top of the list to add https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building=church . Am I missing something?
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The relevant gitub issue list might be https://github.com/osm-fr/osmose-backend/issues. I'd suggest creating an issue there. |
How does "descriptive name name=Cristo Risorto" relate to http://osm.mapki.com/history/way.php?id=274483177 ?
The same alarming 'description' just on another one with the same flag and an extremely simple one as it is not including the most often used Chiesa (church) etc as prefix, just San Rocco, still flagged, where the linked one is named "Chiesa Parrocchiale Stella Maris" like in London Westminster Cathedral telling what significance the house of worship carries. Went to check that one in London and sure enough same warning i.e. the flag is agnostic to country or language. Suggests hundreds of thousands of these warnings have started to appear on the Osmose map.
It sounds like something you could usefully feed back to Osmose. Where are you seeing their list of errors?
This report https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/byuser/SekeRob
Nothing one can finetune about permanent list clutter, (I know about selecting which pins I want to see), hard to ignore and making a daily review/correction of new errors made much harder.
Osmose seems to be flagging every place_of_worship with a name, so I would definitely suggest reporting it to them as a bug.
Seems to be hard work for the machine as my list keeps growing with just this 'false positive', and I've only been mapping actively for 11 months, but then the number of places_of_worship are near countless here. Nickname Ravenna: City of 100 spires, just one moderate sized town in Emiglia Romagna. I'll take it up with the church of the githubbians ;o)