I clicked too fast before noticing the public domain checkbox and would like to add that. I used the API and I see pd="false" ... how to set to "true" ??? |
As far as I know, there's no option to change that selection. The PD checkbox is unfortunately rather neglected. Part of that is because it doesn't have much of an effect in practice – it's almost impossible to pull the edits of people who checked it apart from those who didn't, and there are other legal complications if one tried to actually use the result under terms other than the ODbL's. If you wish, you can add a statement to your user profile's text that you dedicate your edits to the public domain. If there's ever a situation where it makes a difference (perhaps a future license change?), I would personally be in favour of treating that as legally meaningful. But for the most part, the PD checkbox is symbolic, and a textual statement likely gives at least as much visibility to your choice than checking the box would have. |
I'm curious. I've been editing OSM for more than 10 years but I've never come across a "public domain checkbox". And even now looking around in iD and JOSM and my old changesets I don't see one. Where do I find it?
@TZorn: This is part of the sign-up process when you register a new OSM account.