Hi, Is there a resource where we can see examples on how people have implemented openstreetmap ? |
Have a look at the OSM wiki: OSM_Online_Browsing ... List_of_OSM_based_Services ... Using_OpenStreetMap this is wht i was looking for , cheers
(23 Sep '11, 14:06)
Here are some places that are relatively well mapped, perhaps this give you inspiration of what a very well mapped place looks like: http://bestofosm.org/ |
"implemented openstreetmap"? D'you mean examples of people doing interesting things with OpenStreetMap? Or technical tutorial type examples, showing simple things you can do with openstreetmap? What do you mean? (edit your question)
I mean interesting things people have made with openstreetmap.
I am currently int in exposing myself to the ideas and then seeing if I can come up with one.