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I want to provide a search feature for my site where someone with one click can find a store / vendor using

Currently this is in the research phase. Any ideas if this can be done ?

If this can not be put on the site how about in a mobile application ?

My site is here irrelevant

asked 23 Sep '11, 12:19

kachaloo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 23 Sep '11, 12:53

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait

thanks guys !

I will need to do a bit of reading before I can come up with an idea. if this is feasible to use.

(23 Sep '11, 13:53) kachaloo

You're welcome to use OpenStreetMap on your own website provided you're giving us credit correctly. Some different ways of deploying your own Slippy Map.

For the search features you want, you may want to look at using the Nominatim search service (and in conjunction with a slippy map you may want to look at a library such as Facilmap for a drop-in search interface)

However you may find that Nominatim doesn't do the kind of searching you want. "find a store / vendor" might require something a bit more bespoke. If you're only looking at doing a particular city, it's very feasible to extract and index the raw OSM data yourself in some way.

permanent link

answered 23 Sep '11, 13:48

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%

I've removed your site link. The nature of your site and your affiliate links are irrelevant to the questions.
May you use OpenStreetMap on your web site or on mobile applications? Yes, you may, under the terms of the OpenStreetMap license.

permanent link

answered 23 Sep '11, 12:57

Richard%20Weait's gravatar image

Richard Weait
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 23 Sep '11, 12:19

question was seen: 5,199 times

last updated: 23 Sep '11, 20:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum