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In the picture abouve, it is the GPS track, while in the picture below, it is the path generated by my map matching algorithm. The original direction of the red line is the opposite of where it is now, and that's where I changed it. It seems like the map matching algorithm still can not generate a right path(detour). Besides, when I zoomed out the image, the direction of the red line became the same as before, which was very strange. alt text

asked 09 Jul '21, 03:18

zjh1208's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

alt text

(09 Jul '21, 03:19) zjh1208

alt text

(09 Jul '21, 03:20) zjh1208

I don't have any knowledge about map matching. But if you like to receive any helpful answer from others here it would probably be best you gave a bit more context on what you are doing. Which software, which configuration, which workflow, etc.?

Please use the comment function or edit your question. Do not "answer the question".

(09 Jul '21, 09:07) TZorn

When you make changes to OpenStreetMap, the changes are saved instantly to the database. They are then distributed to all the different services that use OpenStreetMap data, and each of these services updates on a different frequency. Some services update within one or two minutes, other services can take days, weeks, or longer to update.

I think what has happened here is that you have a GPX trace from a vehicle heading south. You have found a bug in the map, and fixed the direction of the road. You see that some map tiles have updated quickly, but you have also noticed that some map tiles have not yet updated. This is normal, not every map image updates immediately, and there are plenty of other questions on this site that explain this further.

For your map-matching, you are using an external service (since OpenStreetMap itself provides no map-matching API). So this service needs to process the OpenStreetMap updates that include the changes you have made, before the map-matching will follow the updated road. You will need to contact the provider of the map-matching service to check what their update frequency is, and when to expect your change to be available. Depending on the provider of the map-matching service, this could be hours, days, weeks or longer.

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answered 09 Jul '21, 15:06

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

Thank you for your response. Due to the error of map information, the accuracy of my algorithm is sometimes very poor, so I am considering using GPS observation points to detect map information errors, then submit the data to the database in a certain format to automate the update, but I don't know how to do that technically. I asked a similar question earlier, and I was told that it wouldn't be appropriate to use the program to automatically update. But I find it a bit of a chore to correct by hand because there are so many map errors.

(10 Jul '21, 09:27) zjh1208

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question asked: 09 Jul '21, 03:18

question was seen: 1,423 times

last updated: 10 Jul '21, 09:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum