I see that you have a Hungarian user group but the Hungarian part dearly misses a number of tourist paths. The Buda mountains seem to be better but the mark colours are missing. I am aware of missing routen is the Mátra and I just checked that the Pilis (close to Budapest and a popular place) is also not covered sufficiently. I am not making maps and I do not live in Hungary now, I just go home ocassionally and make excursions there from time to time. There is, however, a similar project: www. turistautak.hu, which is also free and has better information. I would propose you try to co-operate with them. You can contact them on info@turistautak.hu. I have another problem. I am using Open hiking map on a PDA but I am fairly reluctant to use it with an internet connection on the way through the GSM provider as this can be prohibitively expensive. So I try to download the are I am visiting before I start. But sometimes I exceed the threshold of set number of tiles and I gat thi "bulk download" message. How can I estimate to stay under the limit? Of course I download sometimes bigger areas not to have to download again when I go to the neighbouring village next time. My e-mail address is: laszlo.szabo@yahoo.de |
Good idea. You can contact them on info@turistautak.hu. Bulk downloading tiles is discouraged. You can setup your own tile renderer or use a program that supports vector maps. |
Good to hear from you. However, this site is for asking questions, not making suggestions. It would be better for you to make your suggestion on the Hungarian OSM mailing list, http://groups.google.com/group/openstreetmap-hungary . |
To update the topic here's a completely difrerent answer. :-) On 2015-02-01 turistautak.hu have changed their closed licensing to ODbL and OSM have started to integrate their data into the DB (as well as offering its data for their use in return). You may see lots of data in OSM based on TuHu road information as well as some pretty outdated info begging to be resurveyed. Overall OSM hiking coverage got better in some low traffic hiking areas. |