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How can I get the task outline gpx from hotosm?

A hotosm project states in its instructions (excerpt):

    … the task shapes are irregular and will not load automatically in JOSM.
    To show the task shape, you will need to download first the boundary:
    Select a task Click on 'Download' this task as a gpx file to see its boundary.
    Open it in the JOSM editor Click on 'Start editor' and your task will load.

When I select a task, I do not see the mentioned button or link; 'Download' this task as a gpx file.

I looked around the hotosm UI on my own and didn't find a .gpx download offered.

Looking elsewhere for how to get .gpx files for tasks, I found .gpx instructions for Potlatch 2 on LearnOSM. Part of that process is (excerpt):

    select Edit with JOSM (if a window appears saying “JOSM remote
    control did not respond…” just click OK).
    Below the Edit with JOSM button, text will say
    “Tip: Download the following .gpx file…”. Download the .gpx file …

When I ensure JOSM is not running, so I intentionally trigger the error above, I do not then however see a Tip appear offering the .gpx file.

asked 07 Jul '21, 22:10

Joel%20D%20Reid's gravatar image

Joel D Reid
accept rate: 0%

I just tried it myself. It's much easier than described on that page.

Just open JOSM and when you select the task you want to map just make sure to select JOSM in the Editor field at the bottom. The map data and a border frame will be loaded into JOSM automatically. If you are already in the task you can achieve the same with the drop-down at the bottom of the right side panel labeled Reload Editor.

permanent link

answered 08 Jul '21, 16:25

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Thanks. I had done just that in the past, and since everything looked right in JOSM—complete with task outline—I assumed it was correct. The thing that made me pause was their statement, "the task shapes are irregular and will not load automatically in JOSM." The task shapes are quite square and regular as far as I can see, and loaded fine. So were the instructions copy-pasted boilerplate from another project? Is what's loading into JOSM actually and truly wrong? I don't know. I'd still like to compare the raw gpx, but cannot find a way to get it.

(08 Jul '21, 16:33) Joel D Reid

I can only assume that an update introducing this function has been made some time in the past and no one has updated the instructions accordingly.

In JOSM you can right-click on the layer with the border and export it.

(08 Jul '21, 16:36) TZorn

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question asked: 07 Jul '21, 22:10

question was seen: 1,222 times

last updated: 08 Jul '21, 16:36

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