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As we all know, the OSM often has some imcomplete road network information, which leads to bad performance of map matching algorithm. So I want to know if there are some ways that I can automatically update the road information via map matching algorithm? What I mean is automatically update, not manually update the road map when the algorithm detects the missing road. If there are, how can I do this? Thank you very much!

asked 07 Jul '21, 16:48

zjh1208's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Jul '21, 16:50


Zjh1208: I must admit that after all your questions I still feel very confused on what you are trying to achieve. I have a feeling you and the users on this help site might have slightly different understandings of terms like "map matching", "modifying a map" or "generating a path". For example somewhere you are saying your map matching does not work because of flaws in OSM data. At the same time you then want to use the map matching results to improve the OSM data.

I think it would be much easier if you explained once in more detail what you are doing, how you are doing it and what you want to achieve in the end. And how do you want to change OSM data and where (only locally for you or in the OSM database)?

(15 Jul '21, 10:32) TZorn

This would almost certainly be a violation of the Automated edits code of conduct if done on the main database. Mechanical edits are discouraged for a variety of reasons.

Previous attempts to automatically detect map issues from route data include:

permanent link

answered 07 Jul '21, 18:30

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

A couple of years ago we had a short-lived ride share startup named Juno in NYC that opted to share anonymized GPS traces from their cars, available as a JOSM imagery layer. This was helpful in spotting missing roads, misalignment, and incorrect one-way tags (direction of travel was encoded by trace color.)

Their team also organized a couple of MapRoulette challenges (eg ) that highlighted particular discrepancies between observed car travel and routes computed using OSM data, allowing mappers to manually inspect them for possible improvements to OSM.

This project worked pretty well, and I'd recommend either or both of these approaches to @zjh1208 if the mismatches in question are too extensive to fix using traditional OSM mapping methods. (Based on it sounds like maybe @zjh1208 is in a similar situation, with access to GPS data that indicates areas where the map needs improvement.)

(14 Jul '21, 16:33) jmapb

@jmapb hi, these approaches still need to fix map manually in the osm id? I'm looking for a way to write a program that can fix downloaded maps offline

(14 Jul '21, 17:20) zjh1208

You can use JOSM ( ) for this -- download OSM data for a certain region, compare it with aerial imagery and GPS data (both publicly available data and your own local files), make modifications, and then upload the changes to OSM.

The default web-based editor iD can do all of these things too, but JOSM is the better choice for working offline.

Either way, though, it's a manual process. If you're looking to write a program that automatically converts your GPS data directly into OSM map data, that's inadvisable and most likely forbidden by the code of conduct.

(14 Jul '21, 17:59) jmapb

@jmapb I'm not trying to convert GPS data directly into OSM map data, but I'm trying to update the map by constructing possible road shapes from GPS data, and I found a number of papers doing this research, claims to be online and automated. Unfortunately, no open source was found.

(15 Jul '21, 08:52) zjh1208

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question asked: 07 Jul '21, 16:48

question was seen: 1,678 times

last updated: 15 Jul '21, 10:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum