I am trying to create a routing system for a school using a minimum number of vehicles. But the problem is that it not only involves time windows but also capacity constraints. Also starting no. of vehicles and location is unknown. So, I have to just work with customer locations and the time by which they should reach the school. I wanted to know if someone has worked on something similar before or any open-source solution is available to resolve this issue that resembles mine like google OR-Tools etc. Edit I am looking for an opensource python-based solution |
Mapotempo might help you. It's commercial and opensource. it's not opensource
(08 Jul '21, 13:46)
Thanks for pointing out Mapotempo. If I may bring more precision, We have multiple projects which are or were open source. First, Mapotempo-Web is a web application. It was open-source, but it is not anymore as we focus on sharing general purpose micro-services instead. In your case @vsaadnet, you probably need Optimizer-API which provide a wrapper towards OR-Tools and VROOM. It also provides multiple internal resolution methods. This project in entirely open source. You can transmit your problem in JSON If you only need a wrapper to use OR-Tools, we also provide this project https://github.com/Mapotempo/optimizer-ortools The exchange format is in Protobuf
(06 Sep '21, 10:17)
Have a look at jsprit, the optimisation component of Graphhopper. sorry, I couldn't mention earlier, that I am looking for something in python
(08 Jul '21, 13:44)