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Hi needing some help identifying whether this is an actual footpath or not, the pathway is marked on footpaths and openstreet map in red with dots and dashes and I cant see a match for that in either key?

Maybe I am not reading it correctly so any help appreciated?

asked 05 Jul '21, 07:52

Screeny70's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Jul '21, 07:52

The particular path you are pointing to isn't obvious to me. This one was mapped by someone with a gps. I can see a trace using potlatch editor. The local councils rights of way are shown here. It is a popular walking area and a lot of paths are maybe only permissive.

(05 Jul '21, 09:31) andy mackey

If the key is ambiguous you can right click on a point and select "Query Features". This will show a list of items that will be highlighted as you move your mouse over them. Clicking on a item in the list will change the panel to show all tags on that way.

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answered 05 Jul '21, 16:15

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

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question asked: 05 Jul '21, 07:52

question was seen: 957 times

last updated: 05 Jul '21, 16:15

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