Hi I'm attempting to download a list of my GPX traces using the API call: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/API_v0.6#List:_GET_.2Fapi.2F0.6.2Fuser.2Fgpx_files
This call returns a 404 error: "Couldn't find a file/directory/API operation by that name on the OpenStreetMap server (HTTP 404)" I've successfully use a similar call to download a singular gpx file by its #id, so I have established a connection with the server. What am I missing? |
Hi Dave, the string "user" in the API URL is a literal, not to be subbed with the user name. Try;
I've updated the API docs for clarification. Ta. Is there away to get it sorted by timestamp? The file I get returned starts with the latest upload & lists back to mid 2019 then jumps back to my first upload & continues to that mid 2019 pint. A lot could do with amending on OSM wiki pages. They should be written with the newbie to each topic in mind. Lots of real world examples to show how it's done & less xml output.
(03 Jul '21, 18:57)
Agreed - but if you've just managed to do something (after figuring out how the wiki page was wrong) I'd say that you are supremely qualified to do that!
(03 Jul '21, 19:00)
SomeoneElse ♦
I don't know of any way to request a sorted version of the GPX traces from the API. And I wouldn't assume the current semi-order will remain constant in the future either -- best to just treat the list as unordered and sort it clientside if needed.
(03 Jul '21, 21:48)