Hello, our business Renova Aesthetics is located at 145 W Elm St Suite 170, Carmel, IN 46032 but is showing up on ELM DRIVE in Carmel, IN. Any help showing the correct map location would be greatly appreciated. |
Your business is not mapped at all in OpenStreetMap yet. You can ask someone to do that by adding a map note (icon with a speech balloon an plus sign) at the correct location on www.openstreetmap.org (it may take quite some time to get added depending on volunteers mapping in that area) or by adding it yourself on the same site by hitting the edit button and following the instructions/tutorial. Even then Instragram will likely still show the wrong location. While they take the underlying map from OpenStreetMap they use address information from unknown other sources. You need to contact Instagram directly to get that fixed. |
Where is it showing wrong? I've checked Facebook and that is pretty close to the location that Google finds (building junction of Elm Street and Monom Boulevard).
To see this issue, visit https://www.instagram.com/renovaaestheticsspa/ on mobile, click on the address in the bio, and open in Apple Maps. @EdLoach