With this query I get one match for the street (Leipzig, Germany) with no hint it persists into the next southern district. With a slight to modification I get matches for the next district (Connewitz). I'm wondering how I can find all matches for the street, regardless of the district. Or how I can start from the first response to request information about the street in the next district. Thank you! |
I doubt it Nominatim has much of a notion of streets spanning districts (addresses & postal codes likely change). OSM itself has no notion except for some major roads where individual parts of the road are grouped in a relation.
@SK53 Well, it would even help if the first query would return the results of the second query, too, given the second query appears to be a subset of the first one. But I figure it's not that easy as one might think.
I don't know the context of what you are trying to do, but maybe Overpass Turbo queries would be more suited to what you are trying to do than the Nominatim search engine?
@alan_gr I don't even know whether my results bear streets or not. But in case they do I'ld like to get all of them where the search string matches their names. I mean, I don't even understand why the results of the second query won't appear in the first one at all. But I guess there's just no way to achieve that, so I figure I've got to live with that or - in case the result set contains streets - run subsequent queries with Overpass. (I assume that I'ld get at least one street in case the name matches, so I could that take as a hint to dive deeper via Overpass.) Not sure I really want to go that route, but thanks for nudging me in that direction anyway!