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I am completly new to OSM, please excuse my dumb questions. I am supposed to animate the freeways in the German state of Hessen in After Effects with the plugin Geolyers. With animate I mean drawing the freeways on the map one after the other. So I need the information as shapes or even better as paths. Ideally in seperate files for each freeway and not one single file.

In geolayers it is very simple to connect two points with a path that follows the actual roads, so the geospatial information seems to be there. So far I haven`t found a way to download the freeways by their names (A49, A7 and so on).

I know that some people use QGIS to download OSM information and export them as KML oder Geojson. The tutorials I found on youtube did not cover how to solve my problem.

Thanks for your help.

asked 28 Jun '21, 10:54

Zupppp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You can use Overpass Turbo to query for the motorways. Either one by one like this:

// fetch area “hassia” to search in
// gather results
  // query part for: “motorway”
  way["highway"="motorway"][ref="A 5"](area.searchArea);
// print results
out geom;

or all Hassian ones at once by removing the [ref="A 5"] piece.

I have no idea what format you can use to process the data so you might need to play a bit with the different output formats available from Overpass Turbo.

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answered 28 Jun '21, 17:06

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

edited 28 Jun '21, 17:07

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question asked: 28 Jun '21, 10:54

question was seen: 2,190 times

last updated: 28 Jun '21, 17:07

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum