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Something that I don't understand about styles in mkgmap : resolution

For my style, I use levels : 0:24,1:22,2:20,3:18,4:16 I don't use any TYP file

In my points I have :

man_made=tower [0x6411 resolution 16] and amenity=restaurant [0x2a00 resolution 16]

When I zoom with a scale of 500m, I just see towers and I need to zoom to 120m scale to see restaurants. If I change the icon of restaurants (0x..), the icon change in GPS. So, I'm pretty sure that the line is interpreted.

I try extrem values of resolution (10 and 24), but same thing !

If I put man_made=tower|amenity=restaurant [0x6411 resolution 16] it works, but with a tower icon for the restaurant !

Do I miss something ?

Thanks u all

Tested on garmin 60csx

asked 21 Sep '11, 22:56

iero's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 22 Sep '11, 14:07

No, you haven't missed anything. The resolution setting doesn't quite work as described - for info see this mkgmap list post.

In fact, searching that list will often yield answers to this sort of question. Don't be put off that it's called mkgmap-dev, there's plenty of useful info for non-developers too. The rest of that thread's worth a read because I think that you said elsewhere you had a 60csx?

permanent link

answered 22 Sep '11, 16:04

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

Thank you for this answer, it was a crasy thing, I spent hours on that !

So, I'll look for "under-used codes" with a custom TYP file to re-define importants points that need to show up at lower zoom.

I will look on the ml you pointed, it seems very interesting.

Thanks again

(22 Sep '11, 16:17) iero

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question asked: 21 Sep '11, 22:56

question was seen: 4,791 times

last updated: 22 Sep '11, 16:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum