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Hi I'm missing Potlatch 1's 'Undelete' command where a user could zoom to an area, press the 'U' key & it would display all deleted entities in red from which the user could choose which to undelete. To restore objects in JOSM the specific id of each object has to be known & supplied.

Is there another utility which has P1's convenience.

asked 26 Jun '21, 16:37

DaveF's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 26 Jun '21, 17:42

Sadly no; there is no API call that returns deleted objects in an area that other editors could use. Potlatch 1 was using a very specific API that, while not yet decommissioned, will probably be retired very soon, and the "modern day" XML/JSON based API does not have a replacement.

It is not impossible to build such an API but fraught with problems and difficulties. For example, when undeleting an old way which happened to use a node that was not deleted, and meanwhile moved across town, what do you do - and things like that.

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answered 26 Jun '21, 16:47

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Would the upload problem you highlight be a similar problem in JOSM?

Even if the utility was restricted to just being able to see the objects & to retrieve the ids to use in JOSM's undelete, would be of benefit.

(26 Jun '21, 17:42) DaveF

This previous question has an Overpass based solution for retrieval. I don't know if this could be retrieved directly into JOSM?

(27 Jun '21, 01:23) InsertUser

@InsertUser I don't quite grok this query ( in case anyone wants to play with it) but it appears to highlight the position of deleted and modified ways within the bounding box. I think maybe only those that intersected still extant elements -- so a deleted building, for instance, might not show.

Personally I use achavi ( for sleuthing deletions -- just zoom in to the area in question (or draw a bbox), set a date range in the date boxes, and click "load". It will distinguish between moved elements in dark red and deleted ones in bright red. But it doesn't usually work well unless your search area is tiny and and your date range is short, so you need a pretty good idea about what you're looking for and when it was deleted.

(28 Jun '21, 19:07) jmapb

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question asked: 26 Jun '21, 16:37

question was seen: 1,380 times

last updated: 28 Jun '21, 19:46

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum