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How can a bus platform be shown (on a place)? I guessed that at least the border line of the platform would be visible, but nothing can be seen. Should I do the tagging different?
One of my platforms is, the others are near by.

Maybe the problem is that the platform is on a waiting area. (So the public transport platform is on a public transport platform.) The whole place is used as a bus terminal, but next to the elevated platforms is where the bus (most likely) holds.

asked 22 Jun '21, 13:09

Simo_He's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

"Why a particular map does not not show something" is a question for that map. The relevant discussion for the "standard" map is at .

In this case the answer seems to be "because that map style chose not to show it". A separate issue (specifically with regard to areas) was marked as a duplicate - maybe you could make a case that areas are a special case and should be shown in some way, whereas a "public_transport=platform" that simply duplicates a "highway=bus_stop" doesn't really add any value.

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answered 22 Jun '21, 13:31

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

edited 29 Jun '21, 13:32


I see, it definitely has to do with this.

But before I ask to adapt rendering, I prefer to check my tagging. Did I do it in a good way? My intention is to show the area which is elevated. And still keep the existing "bus station", which is the whole place where the buses stop.

The view of would be desired. I found this by looking for the place shown for "amenity: bus_station" on

So possible adaptions of the tags:

  • whole place: set "amenity: bus_station" and change "public_transport: " to "platform"
    There is also a node with "amenity: bus_station". Should it be kept?
  • passenger platform: add "highway: platform" (which is as recommended on , but I missed it because the editior did not set it automatically)
(29 Jun '21, 13:30) Simo_He

I did the adaptions (on the place and the platforms), and it is visible now (see now). (The changes are in

(26 Aug '21, 10:28) Simo_He

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question asked: 22 Jun '21, 13:09

question was seen: 1,662 times

last updated: 26 Aug '21, 10:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum