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I found that these two relations show both the same polygon: Kostrzyn nad OdrÄ…. Should that be? If not, how would they be merged?

asked 22 Jun '21, 08:39

nepumuk-fs's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The polygons cover the same area, but they are not "the same" as they have two different admin levels (7 or 8). If the area really does correspond to two different levels in the administrative structure, it is probably OK to leave them.

(22 Jun '21, 09:14) alan_gr

They look the same (same wikidata and wikipedia, might be an error, same name:de) but have different admin_level and name:prefix (gmina miejska vs miasto).

Any "cleanup" would need a discussion with the polish community, or local knowledge. It may be that a kind of district and a municipality share the exact same space. It might also be the result of an old error.


permanent link

answered 22 Jun '21, 09:42

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Wiki articles often describes multiple things, unlike the possibility of many items in Wikidata.

(22 Jun '21, 10:10) Kovoschiz

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question asked: 22 Jun '21, 08:39

question was seen: 597 times

last updated: 22 Jun '21, 10:10

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