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Notes was a great idea! They present a low barrier for contributing—even accepted from anonymous users. Plus it's not just a "This Area Needs Attention" button—it lets the note-taker try to relay the needed information.

It may require more info, re-survey, or new tracks; so that "armchair mappers" can't help with a great many Notes, but that's expected.

But in looking around, some are obviously actionable. Should I? In looking through the wide variety of… kinds of Notes, and quality of Notes, I was left wondering how many of them out there could be resolved without an in-person survey. A note from a registered user is practically a survey, right? We should read them as ground truth if an anonymous user leaves Notes that appear to be written in good faith, right?

Contrived Examples:
• recent Notes entry containing a shop's business details, clearly placed right on a retail area building by a registered user.
• 4 year old entry. "market ggot an atm"
• 9 month old anonymous entry on a rural river crossing, "bridge damaged. closed."
• 3 year old entry, "no turns permitted here from every direction"

Are there established best practices for resolving Notes without a re-survey?

asked 21 Jun '21, 18:09

Joel%20D%20Reid's gravatar image

Joel D Reid
accept rate: 0%

You are thinking about it too much. As in any other mapping situation, use the info you have to improve the map if you think can. If the info is incomplete or tricky, use your best judgement.

permanent link

answered 21 Jun '21, 18:12

Joel%20D%20Reid's gravatar image

Joel D Reid
accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Jun '21, 18:17


Yes, I'm afraid that's about it. I wish Notes had tags, like survey/online and so on... Usually when it's a registered user, you can ask a question. Otherwise just do your best ! ;-)

(21 Jun '21, 18:16) H_mlet

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question asked: 21 Jun '21, 18:09

question was seen: 1,361 times

last updated: 21 Jun '21, 18:17

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum