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I'm building a map using josm, and use mkgmap to converted it for my garmin 60csx.

But as I live in Africa, I need to see bridges, fuel stations and telecom antennas at low zoom.. They are very good points to understand were we are.

On Tracks4africa maps, bridges are represented as POI and not as segment.. It works well. Maybe it is possible to convert all "bridges lines" into points using mkgmap? Or maybe there is a way using styles and TYP to see them better ? I'm particularly interested to see bridges on tracks sections ! To see if we can cross the river !

Thanks for your help and sorry for my English.. I don't practice a lot..

asked 21 Sep '11, 14:10

iero's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Sep '11, 14:13

A quick-and-dirty solution is to make bridges display as something else. If you're not creating routable maps, then an entry such as:

bridge=yes [0x29 resolution 17]

near the top of the "lines" file would work. "0x29" is Garmin-ese for a power line, and it displays as a nice obvious narrow line.

If you are creating routable maps this might break routing though (since you can't normally drive along power lines!) so maybe another code would make more sense - maybe "0x01" (used for motorways) if there are few motorways where you're creating a map? The best thing to do is to experiment and see, I suspect.

Make sure that your "bridge=yes" is near the top of the lines file, otherwise some other tag's representation may be used instead.

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answered 21 Sep '11, 16:02

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%


Thanks for your answer, I'll try that, it's a good idea !

There are no motorway at all in the country. Biggest roads can be considered as "primary", so i'll try with motorway section, and maybe change related TYP section

I'll keep you informed about the result !

(21 Sep '11, 16:12) iero

Actually - one thing that I forgot about - if you're relying on bicycle routing, maybe "motorway" isn't the best choice, so I'd definitely experiment with different settings.

(21 Sep '11, 22:33) SomeoneElse ♦

It works, thanks

(21 Sep '11, 23:00) iero

You can use something like this

(bridge=yes | bridge=true | bridge=viaduct) [0x2b resolution 24 continue with_actions]

(tunnel=yes | tunnel=true | tunnel=1) [0x2a resolution 24 continue with_actions]

You need to put it before the highway rules. I recommend to use a typ file to make 0x2b visible, see for an example

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answered 21 Sep '11, 17:34

ligfietser's gravatar image

accept rate: 11%

edited 21 Sep '11, 17:35

I'll try, but I need to add a TYP file, and for the moment, I try to understand styles.. Thanks for the answer, I learned the "continue with_actions" that I didn't know.

(21 Sep '11, 23:01) iero

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question asked: 21 Sep '11, 14:10

question was seen: 4,977 times

last updated: 21 Sep '11, 23:02

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