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I'm mapping a hospital close to me with quite a complex Shape. I've mapped all the different parts of it with building:part=yes and put it into a relation with the role=part. This relation (a) is of type=building. See: Relation a

Then I created a second relation (b) with the outline of all the parts but gave it the role=outer. Additionally I created a line that represents the hole of that building and gave it the role=inner. Here: Relation b

Eventually relation b becomes a part of relation a with the role=outline.

But it does not seem to work 100%. What am I missing here? I don't wanna mess around any more and thought I'd just ask. Google didn't rely help or I haven't found my exact problem.

(see my related post on reddit)

Thank you.

asked 18 Jun '21, 09:02

som-tam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When a building is mapped with a multipolygon, the tags for the building as a whole go only onto the multipolygon relation, not on the outer way. So you should remove the building=hospital tag from w955078388. Apart from that, the mapping looks correct to me.

permanent link

answered 18 Jun '21, 10:53

Tordanik's gravatar image

accept rate: 35%

That's it. Thank you.

(18 Jun '21, 11:05) som-tam

Also no need to use relations to map building parts, you can just rely on the geometrical relationships

(18 Jun '21, 11:59) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 18 Jun '21, 09:02

question was seen: 1,163 times

last updated: 18 Jun '21, 11:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum