I took an image of a map from OpenStreetMap of a section of a city and then used that image to create three simplified maps for an organization in InDesign. I traced and drew my own map using the OpenStreetMap as a guide. My client only wanted the main roads displayed and wanted it to be in simple colors, white and black. I added in a few objects on the map to mark locations where historic musicians lived, since that is what the project was for. The new map will be displayed on their website. -What is the appropriate map attribution, just "© OpenStreetMap contributors" with a link to the copyright page? Or would "Data from OpenStreetMap" or "Map derived from OpenStreetMap" be more appropriate since I designed a totally new map using the OpenStreetMap data. Does it need to be displayed below each map (three maps) or just one? -I see that I have to make the map available to others since I created a new map. The map will be posted on a website and anyone can right click and download it. Is that good or what else am I supposed to do? The only information I added were the homes of the (not well-known) musicians that used to live there and I don't think the general public would want that information on the maps on OpenStreetMap.org. asked 14 Jun '21, 20:38 KDesigns100 |
Hello. First a disclaimer, I'm no lawyer. That said, I don't think tracing over OSM really count as derivative database, mostly because it's not a db. So it must be a Produced Work, where attribution is enough. "© OpenStreetMap contributors" with a link to the copyright page is nice and enough. But maybe "Map derived from OpenStreetMap" is best, since not all data shown comes from OSM. The best would be to embed the attribution in the image, so that if someone download the map, or find it through a search engine, the attribution will be there. But the link will be harder to implement. Without link, the text must be longer, like in printed maps : "Contains information from OpenStreetMap, which is made available at openstreetmap.org under the Open Database License (ODbL)". Have a look at the wiki on this subject. I think one attribution for the three maps might be enough, if you are sure users will see it, like the attribution is near the top, and you have to scroll past it to see the maps. But the best it to put in every caption. Hope this help. Regards. answered 15 Jun '21, 10:18 H_mlet Thank you for your assistance. This makes sense to me.
(15 Jun '21, 15:31)