Hi which part of a wall alongside a waterway should be on the map. That is 0.65 on top and at the bottom up to 1,80. Just retaining wall ? Or as a building for what it is, you can open doors and walk into it. |
If the wall is a barrier but has a route through it i would split the wall into two sections and continue the path or way through the gap. One can simply add
(17 Jun '21, 07:39)
I'm confused by your description. Is this a building or a wall that gives access to a cellar or similar?
Can you show us a photo?
Hi guys, I would say come along and w'll see, but a photo in OSM ? I am sorry but I can't do that. The construction is an old lock (sluiskom) with downstreams normal doors and upstreams a special kind of waaierdoors 2 doors in one construction. They can be openened against the highwater on the outside, due to inside sewers (canals) inside the building. Here is one in function https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/52.00884/4.73159 The up or downstream water pressure is applied to the waaierdoor (the wing shaped form) and it moves into or up against the high tide. One of a kind system I dont know if it is in use in the World. It is a Dutch invention good for the Low Lands.
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