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When I open any tracks on the map, I only see the map and the stat point. There is no track on the map.

asked 13 Jun '21, 09:47

Maximus%20Panin's gravatar image

Maximus Panin
accept rate: 0%



would you give us some more details about what you are trying to do and how ?

What kind of tracks are you trying to open ? Your own GPX files, GPX from osm users, tracks in the OSM database ? Which software are you using, the website ?

Best regards.

(13 Jun '21, 13:32) H_mlet


So you're talking about the GPX database of osm (which is different from the main OSM database, that can be confusing).

These tracks are not meant to be displayed on the map, only in the various editors, as a basis to trace elements of the main OSM database.

However, if your tracks are "public" (can't read russian, but as it's on a green background, I assume it is, but I can't find them on your user page), you can see them as an overlay, if you check "Public GPS tracks" in the layers menu of This overlay is a raster layer generated from the public and identifiable tracks of the database, it can take some time before it is regenerated. And of course when you use your favorite editor, you'll see them, among the others.

As far as I know only JOSM download the actual tracks, and thus can filter them, if you want to display only yours.

More information about GPX database in the wiki, specifically have a look at the visibility settings which are totally confusing !


Ps. you should move your screenshots from the answer section, to your question.

permanent link

answered 13 Jun '21, 19:04

H_mlet's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

Thanks. I thought I could give a link to the map with my track to people. How is it done for example in "Alltrails"

permanent link

answered 13 Jun '21, 21:24

Maximus%20Panin's gravatar image

Maximus Panin
accept rate: 0%


Nope, these tracks are stored specifically for tracing in OSM...

Sorry about that.

(13 Jun '21, 21:32) H_mlet

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question asked: 13 Jun '21, 09:47

question was seen: 1,149 times

last updated: 13 Jun '21, 21:32

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum