Hi, I'm doing my master's degree project and on this part I want to make a map using OSM where I want to display some points which represent the possition (Lat and Long) of some buses. I already have done it making my own local server with rendered map from OSM and displaying those points using javascript over my html index of my tile. But my idea is to store data from my OCB into the OSM database (my own database to dont "break" OSM database) and be able to display those points as they were points of interest on the map like monuments, gas stations, etc). As summary of end application, is to see where those points (buses) are when I "refresh" the page to load the map. I'm not sure if here is the correct place to ask for this or even if it is possible to do, but I'm new using OSM so I have to ask :) Thanks in advance for your answers |
Hello, I'm not sure if I correctly understand your project. But if you want to display dynamic data, you don't want to embed it in raster tiles. Keep it above, tweak your javascript so that it blends nicely. If you use leaflet, have a look at this page to design your own marker. A small one without shadow could probably pass for a feature of the basemap. Raster tile generators are optimized for more or less static data, with cache and stuff, so clients will reload the same tiles. Also the OSM database and surrounding tools are not meant for dynamic data, you will be on your own I'm afraid. Last hitch, I think, generating tiles is expensive, you don't want to do it all the time of your thesis... Or you go for vector tiles, but it's a brand new world ! ;-) If you want a top level example, have a look at mini-tokyo-3d, it's amazing (and open source). Best regards. Thank for your answer mate. Yes, all the info I have checked says the same about dynamic representation so I'll check other options
(20 Jun '21, 13:31)