Hi, for a project, I have been collecting a large amount of (about 110k) nominatim bounding boxes and corresponding Place IDs over the span of about a year. I now need to get the actual geometry from OSM for as many of these as I can. I have thought about using the OSM bulk downloads from data providers such as geofabrik. However, these of course do not have the nominatim identifier but rather the more general OSM identifier (which I am aware is also not stable). I could also just query the IDs with nominatim again but, if possible, I would want to query such a large amount of data from OSM as do not want to overburden the servers with too many requests. I would appreciate any suggestion on how to best approach this to keep the server load as minimal as possible. Thank you so much in advance |
Place id is not a permanent id, it's not even the same between multiple servers. They also change after a reimport and there was one in the last 12 months. https://nominatim.org/release-docs/develop/api/Output/#place_id-is-not-a-persistent-id The /lookup API endpoint https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/api/Lookup/ doesn't support place id search, only the /details API endpoint https://nominatim.org/release-docs/latest/api/Details/ does. Note the disclaimer " You may not use it in scripts or to automatically query details about a result. " Using osm_type+osm_id as identifier is better. Those ids might still change but with old data dumps and tools one can usually find out what an old id was referring to. 1
As per usage policy, the details API is definitely off limits for this: https://operations.osmfoundation.org/policies/nominatim/ (see section 'Uacceptable Use')
(10 Jun '21, 16:46)
Thank you for your answers. I checked our data again and found that I was mistaken in my belief that we have the Place IDs. We actually do have the OSM ids. I will create another thread because I am still confused as to what these OSM ids actually mean.
(11 Jun '21, 12:34)
For large scale queries either install Nominatim on a local server or use a third-party provider or a paid-for provider.