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Hey guys. We are a coffee shop from the city of Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. We noticed a problem in displaying our location on the map and would like to ask for help in correcting. We are located at 114, Hetman Mazepa st. Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine, but for some reason when you cross the geolocation mark, it shows our point 5916 km from the real location. Please help solve this problem. This is our instagram and the problem with the location can be seen in the last post

asked 09 Jun '21, 09:54

Liubomyr%20Boichuk's gravatar image

Liubomyr Boi...
accept rate: 0%

Most likely a problem with facebook, because the shop is there "Hetmana Mazepy Street 114, Iwano-Frankiwsk" but to the tag-scheme i know some tags are missing. I think its better to talk with the facebook-support.

(10 Jun '21, 08:18) Negreheb

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question asked: 09 Jun '21, 09:54

question was seen: 827 times

last updated: 10 Jun '21, 08:18

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum