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Hi guys, I now use 2 smartphones, and wanted to know if it's possible to use my account on both devices at the same time, like, will all my personal bookmarks and notes be synchronized? If not, is there another way? (I would assume it's a quite common case but couldn't find a previous thread about it, feel free to point me towards one if there is one at all) Thanks in advance for your help David

asked 09 Jun '21, 00:39

ExploreFeelGood's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 09 Jun '21, 14:40

TZorn's gravatar image



What service/app are you talking about?

(09 Jun '21, 07:17) TZorn

Hi there @TZorn and @yvecai Thanks for your answers And sorry not to have explained better, I meant to use Maps.Me I have it on one smartphone, with all my personal info (bookmarks, notes), have downloaded it on another smartphone, and would love to use all my personal info there too and have it synchronized I tried to log in there with same account and password but for now getting a "login error" Dunno if because it's impossible to be logged in on 2 devices at the same time (and if my data would actually be synchronized), or because there's a bug Thanks in advance

(09 Jun '21, 12:57) ExploreFeelGood
1 is just one of many applications using OpenStreetMap data, and has its own support pages. This looks like it may be relevant:

(09 Jun '21, 17:30) alan_gr

ohhhhhhh OK sorry I thought and OpenStreetMap where from the same organization, I'm such a noob :D The link you provided me is of much help, now I know there's no synchronisation possible, just importing bookmark Just have to see with them why I can't log in again Anyway, thanks a lot for your help, appreciate it @alan_gr

(09 Jun '21, 17:43) ExploreFeelGood

Good news: you can use your single OpenStreetMap account to edit the map on every devices!

permanent link

answered 09 Jun '21, 12:48

yvecai's gravatar image

accept rate: 9%

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question asked: 09 Jun '21, 00:39

question was seen: 2,079 times

last updated: 09 Jun '21, 17:43

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum