Hello, We are using your great map in Iran, but today the tile images aren't loaded. what's happened? any sanction applied for my country? https://tile.openstreetmap.org/18/168502/103196.png the images available after using VPN. What can we do? Please help us to solve this problem. Thanks
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The CDN powered by fastly has an outage today. See https://twitter.com/OSM_Tech/status/1402208871951765510 and https://status.fastly.com . I would wait for that to resolve before you investigate further why tiles don't load. |
Does this happen when you visit https://www.openstreetmap.org or do you use the tiles in your own application or website?
The tiles of https://www.openstreetmap.org/ are not shown without VPN too. Is there any movement to another server that blocks my country ips? I tested it with several Internet providers in my country, all of them have this issue.
As the tiles at tile.openstreetmap.org are delivered by an American CDN company, it might be that they (have to) filter traffic by Iran by US sanctioning rules.
But as you write "too", it sounds as if you used the tiles in another application/website while maybe not following the tile usage policy and by that your ip got blocked. So I would recommend you start with reading the tile usage policy and implement it and then see if the problem persists for the next days or if it works again. But this shouldn't block the tiles while visiting www.openstreetmap.org with a different ip.
the "too" that I used meant the issue appears on our "websites + https://www.openstreetmap.org/" sorry, my English is poor, we are using OpenStreetMap for locating our companies on the map and letting users select a location on the map, we are using it in the right way, As you mentioned the issue apears on different ips, so the issue may be from CDN, is there any solution for American CDN?
As the CDN usage is donated by the CDN provider OpenStreetMap won't have a chance to interfere much esp. if the CDN provider is bound by the rules of the US.
So - depending on your usage - it would be best to either self-host the tiles (see: https://www.switch2osm.org ) or find a tile provider that is not bound by US sanctions.
Can you check if any of the following websites listed here: https://trends.builtwith.com/cdn/Fastly-CDN/Iran load from Iran? Esp. the first one with map? And check their ips to see if the use fastly ips?
Thanks for your help and suggestions, Do you know what is the name or website of the OpenStreetMap CDN Company provider?
It's Fastly, that's why i asked you to check the websites (see comment above) that seem to be from Iran and use Fastly as well. By that we could find out if Fastly (still) works in Iran.
Oh wait. Fastly seems to have mayor problems today, see https://status.fastly.com - so that's maybe what you are seeing but (as they report) that started 30 minutes ago.
Now the great volunteer team at osm reports the same: https://twitter.com/OSM_Tech/status/1402208871951765510
The CDN is currently unavaible due to a mayor outage at fastly.
oh, I didn't see your comment about websites, I should click on a button to see more comments, they load but their locations on their OpenStreetMap not show.
I hope the problem be from anything other than sanctions and be fixed in the future.
their site: https://www.fastly.com/ will not open for me without VPN!