Hello. I added missing house numbers in a village (ca. 70). Some checked on site, but also some added from Geoproxy Thueringen, look here: https://www.geoportal-th.de/de-de/Downloadbereiche/Download-Offene-Geodaten-Th%C3%BCringen .There you can see the official house numbers on the map. (Open geodata Thuringia,Germany) I have given to this entries "GDI-Th" as the source, as requested on the Geoportal website. The license is "Data License Germany Attribution Version 2.0.". Now i red in a blog that this license is not sufficient for OSM incorporation. The house numbers are now on the osm. How should proceed here? Delete all relevant entries? I uploaded about all 5 house numbers once, so there are quite a few sets of changes. Thanks for your answers Alia |
Thank you for your answer. I will contact them immediately. |