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Hello, just noticed that many of my edits in the app 'Go Map!!!' cannot be uploaded. The error message appears: "Cannot upload changes

Version mismatch: Provider 1, server had: 2 of Node 8784766722

POST ... 220/upload

The "raw XML data" can be edited in the 'Go Map!!!' app to "fix errors that prevent uploading." I don't know how though, Can delete and write there.

Maybe someone has a tip?


asked 06 Jun '21, 06:33

Ingolf2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

When I go to the link, the error message appears: "This page does not work"

If you try again, the error message changes: The upper text remains the same, it changes: "POST ... 431/upload "

The OSM app 'Go Map!!' is an Apple app, that is actually a joy to use.

(06 Jun '21, 06:47) Ingolf2

The error seems to be a simple version conflict, to fix it you either need to not upload the element in question or, increase the version number to 2.

The former makes sense if your changes are incompatible (that is for example different, incompatible, tagging).

A simple text editor should be enough to do this, gives some information on the XML format. Likely your edits are not in the normal XML format but in the format which just contains the changes.

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answered 06 Jun '21, 08:51

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Does Go Map!! have an "Update data" option like Vespucci or JOSM?

(06 Jun '21, 17:32) InsertUser

You can refresh GoMap!!'s OSM data under the "Display" menu (folded map icon on the right), under the "Clear Cache" submenu. Here you can select "Clear OSM Data" and then the map data will reload as needed when you browse the map. This will destroy any unsaved changes though. It's not possible to reload and preserve any unconflicting changes.

(06 Jun '21, 18:59) jmapb

It seems you're attempting to use GoMap!!'s pre-upload changeset edit mode to resolve this conflict. That might work. As Simon says, you'd need to locate the XML element for the node in question, and either increase the version number (so you'll be overwriting the changes made in the previous version) or remove that entire node element from the changeset (so you'll be losing the changes you made to this node in GoMap!! and keeping the current OSM version.)

The problem is that editing the raw XML on a small touchscreen can be difficult, especially if you have over a hundred changes in that changeset. But if you're careful, you'll be able to scroll through and find the XML code for the correct node ID. Increasing the version number would probably be the easier approach, since it's a much smaller edit than deleting the whole node element. Normally I'd be wary about overwriting other mapper's changes but it looks like you're the one who actually made the change in the meantime, adding wheelchair=yes via StreetComplete, so overwriting probably wouldn't be a big problem. The wheelchair=yes tag would presumably survive, but if not you could fix it later.

GoMap!! can also email the changeset to you as an attachment. You could then examine it using a text editor on a desktop computer, which might help you find the spot that needs changed. You could even make the changes on the computer and email the changed file back to the phone, then try to copy and paste that changed version into GoMap!!'s edit screen.

You could also take the emailed changeset file and load it into JOSM, a desktop map editor. But JOSM has a steep learning curve so if you've never used it before that's a pretty daunting approach too. Another alternative might be Level0, a simplefied low-level OSM data editor where you could upload the modified changeset file and then commit it to the database. It's not particularly user-friendly either, though.

Good luck, J

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answered 06 Jun '21, 18:56

jmapb's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

edited 07 Jun '21, 00:44

JOSM may have a 'steep' learning curve, but it's nothing compared to hand editing OSM XML. JOSM's conflict resolution could be better for complex things, but from the sound of it, this conflict shouldn't be too difficult.

(07 Jun '21, 05:20) InsertUser

Depends on the person I guess -- XML is familiar to millions. But yes, it's very easy to break, especially on a small touchscreen with no syntax validation.

I remembered that Level0 can load the same changeset files that GoMap!! exports by email, and I edited my answer to include that option. That's probably the easiest way, assuming that additional conflicts haven't arisen in the meantime.

I agree that using JOSM would be the "right" way to do it.

(07 Jun '21, 13:16) jmapb

Thank you for your detailed message.

I think it is clearly my fault. In app are 101 edits of nodes to upload. This can not do the app, the phone. I am using the app for the first time and thought it would work without the 'upload button'. It was late at night and I was under the impression.

I will delete many nodes now, after a copy of all the text.

But how do I delete correctly?? E.G.:

" <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <osmchange generator="Go Map!! 2.2.1" version="0.6"> <create> <node id="-5" timestamp="2021-06-05T22:24:08Z" version="1" lat="51.57168009376723" lon="8.105626210283127"> <tag k="tourism" v="information"></tag> <tag k="information" v="aus Kupfer, im Plaster, Mittelpunkt der Stadt Soest"></tag> <tag k="name" v="Koordinatenkreuz"></tag> <tag k="operator" v="Stadt Soest"></tag> </node> <node id="-4" timestamp="2021-06-05T22:04:09Z" version="1" lat="51.57272165414511" lon="8.106468646334125"> <tag k="tourism" v="information"></tag> <tag k="religion" v="Kontur im Pflaster sichtbar. In der Mitte befand sich ein hölzerner Pfahl."></tag> <tag k="information" v="Konturen im Pflaster erkennbar, in der Mitte stand ein Holzpfahl"></tag> <tag k="name" v="Pranger"></tag> <tag k="operator" v="Stadt Soest"></tag> </node> </create> <modify> <node id="4090388674" timestamp="2016-04-01T17:35:13Z" version="1" lat="51.5704817" lon="8.109112400000001">

  <tag k="phone" v="+49 2921 16380"></tag>
  <tag k="shop" v="tailor"></tag>
  <tag k="name" v="Jakob's Änderungsschneiderei"></tag>
  <tag k="stroller" v="yes"></tag>

Now, in this example, if I want to delete the node "4090388674", would I have to delete up to and including </node> , above it?

If I then want to delete the node "-4", would I then have to delete up to and including </node> , above it, again?

How many nodes can the app, the phone: iPhone 6 plus, probably upload at once?

Thanks for an answer.

I'm annoyed with myself for not uploading in between.

But this way I learn something.

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answered 06 Jun '21, 11:08

Ingolf2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jun '21, 11:10

If you wish to delete the node id="-4" then you'd need to start at: <node id="-4" timestamp="2021-06-05T22:04:09Z" and end at v="Stadt Soest"></tag> </node> with all of the text in between.

(07 Jun '21, 20:38) atom oil

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question asked: 06 Jun '21, 06:33

question was seen: 1,233 times

last updated: 07 Jun '21, 20:38

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