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We have a private, no-access conservation area showing as a Park on the map and tagged as private in the description. Having it attributed as a park is leading to trespassing/damage issues. Should I change it to an "Area" leaving the name alone (as it is referred to elsewhere on the web) or remove it? I think the main issue is people automatically see a green area as public access. Thanks,


asked 03 Jun '21, 17:53

Wasco%20County%20GIS's gravatar image

Wasco County...
accept rate: 0%

The area=yes/no tags are supplementary tags for ambiguous situations, and not meant to be used as main tags.

For tagging of protected areas the wiki article for their boundaries and the rather opaque protect class tags are probably a good starting point.

leisure=nature_reserve may be appropriate if there is some degree of access allowed by the public.

Mistagging specifically so that the area doesn't render as green is generally discouraged.

permanent link

answered 04 Jun '21, 02:50

InsertUser's gravatar image

accept rate: 19%

edited 04 Jun '21, 02:51

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question asked: 03 Jun '21, 17:53

question was seen: 903 times

last updated: 04 Jun '21, 03:40

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum