I'm am trying to extract a set of nodes that represent signalized intersections with bike infrastructure leading into them. the trouble I have run into is that I don't think there is a way to query nodes according to the attributes of the ways that connect to them. Is that correct? If it is I can download the data and run the query as a join on the to and from OSM_ID's of the way in postgres. this will be fairly time consuming though so i wanted to first check and see whether anyone had a way to do this in overpass or overpass turbo. thanks for any and all suggestions. edit: I can query nodes and ways separately in overpass turbo using:
but my goal is to return the subset of that query that is nodes connected to a line where bicycle=designated. |
You need to recurse down from the ways to find the appropriate child nodes.
Post a link to an example. What code have you got at the moment?
edited to include example illustrating what is not useful to me. is the question not clear?