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I would like to know how to export airport taxiways in .osm format. When I try to export the area where the airport is located, I just get the map of the roads for cars and other vehicles around the airport, but not the taxiways within the airport where the aircraft taxi on ground prior to its departure.

Any hint on how to export the aerodrome layout?

asked 01 Jun '21, 16:55

PabloFuentesdf's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Can you explain how you tried to export the data, and what software you then used to look at the result? And which airport did you test this with?

(01 Jun '21, 16:57) Frederik Ramm ♦

I just tried the basic Export functionality offered by in the web browser. Then I converted this .osm file into a network for Eclipse SUMO (Simulator of Urban Mobility). The airport I tested is LEMD (Madrid Barajas Airport).

I want to simulate the movement of the aircrafts on the surface of the airport, in order to assess taxi times.

(01 Jun '21, 17:05) PabloFuentesdf

The most likely explanation is that the software you have used to process the data was not considering taxiways when building the routing graph (since exporting OSM data from the web site will definitely include them, and the LEMD airport definitely has them mapped in OSM).

You will have to reconfigure the software to process taxiways in addition to (or instead of) roads which I assume is what the software normally does.

If you cannot do that, then there is another option; you can modify the OSM file and make it look like all the taxiways were service roads. Then the graph building will likely consider them. This change can either be achieved with the "tag transform" functionality of the "Osmosis" software, or you can also try a simple text search&replace on the .osm file you have exported (look for something like <tag k="aeroway" v="taxiway" /> and replace it with <tag k="highway" v="service" />).

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answered 01 Jun '21, 17:20

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

edited 01 Jun '21, 17:20

I followed your manually replacing method and indeed it worked! Many thanks, Frederik.

(01 Jun '21, 17:48) PabloFuentesdf

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question asked: 01 Jun '21, 16:55

question was seen: 1,212 times

last updated: 01 Jun '21, 17:48

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