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good morning, i already asked a question but no one replied so i presumed no one understand french so i'm asking again but this time in english. So why the tutorial wasn't suggested? I have work to do and i can't do it because i have to do the tutorial first but it didn't get suggested. So can anyone help me pls i have to give my work to my teacher. Thank you. Cordialement.

asked 31 May '21, 08:08

Rafaela2's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


You expected an answer in 8 minutes? I think most of us check for questions about once a day at most.

(31 May '21, 15:56) InsertUser

OSM is free because we contribute for free. I don't think anyone in the community is paid by OSM.

(02 Jun '21, 14:36) andy mackey

Okay hi thanks for the replies but I need to clarify something. First of all I was at school and our work was about OSM, and my friend dared me to do that. I apologize if I offended someone’s work or someone or if I sounded rude, it wasn’t my intention. It was a dare, sorry again

(28 Jun '21, 01:26) Rafaela2

Hi Rafaela.

It's ab it unclear what tutorial you are talking about but I assume you mean the one in the iD editor. If so please click on "edit" on On the right hand side there is a icon with a little question mark inside a book. Click on that to navigate to the tutorial.

There is also a good tutorial at Learn OSM.

permanent link

answered 31 May '21, 09:11

TZorn's gravatar image

accept rate: 15%

Okay hi thanks for the replies but I need to clarify something. First of all I was at school and our work was about OSM, and my friend dared me to do that. I apologize if I offended someone’s work or someone or if I sounded rude, it wasn’t my intention. It was a dare, sorry again

(28 Jun '21, 01:26) Rafaela2

Hi Rafaela2, have à look here en Francias.

But why do we have to start running just to please you with an answer, whats wrong with your planning or timing that this question popped up so late in time ?

permanent link

answered 31 May '21, 16:26

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Okay hi thanks for the replies but I need to clarify something. First of all I was at school and our work was about OSM, and my friend dared me to do that. I apologize if I offended someone’s work or someone or if I sounded rude, it wasn’t my intention. It was a dare, sorry again

(28 Jun '21, 01:26) Rafaela2

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question asked: 31 May '21, 08:08

question was seen: 1,158 times

last updated: 28 Jun '21, 01:26

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum