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I posted on this topic in the Talk-GB mailing list last year, but did not receive a consensus or conclusive answer: footpath numbers are shown on local authority Definitive Maps in the form of civil parish number/footpath number, e.g. 130/8. Elsewhere, on my local Chiltern Society maps, for example, they are shown with the civil parish letter and footpath number, e.g. B8. They are presented in both cases with an Ordnance Survey map background. Is it felt that to take these references from such maps for use in OSM is in order or is it a breach of copyright? The OS map is not being traced and the data being used does not belong to Ordnance Survey. On the other hand, the OS data identifies the extent of the footpath that is a particular reference number. In my area of South Oxfordshire, no footpaths are waymarked with numbers. The Definitive Statement is too complicated to easily use. I know of no other existence of footpath numbers. However, I do believe they can be a valuable asset to walkers using OSM data. I should appreciate people's views on this matter.

asked 20 Sep '11, 16:58

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

I should hasten to add that I am asking about the Ordnance Survey copyright issue, not the forms of civil parish prefix.

(20 Sep '11, 17:57) silver mapper

OpenStreetMap does store geographical knowledge. It is not nececary to store this information in the tags as well. If there are several standards to prefix the referance number with geographical information we can opt to not store the prefix directly.

If anyone wants the referances prefixed with the civil parish number or the civil parish letter they can get those easy.

permanent link

answered 20 Sep '11, 17:40

Gnonthgol's gravatar image

Gnonthgol ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 20 Sep '11, 16:58

question was seen: 8,914 times

last updated: 20 Sep '11, 17:57

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum