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Hi, Today, I wanted to add to the map a bus route that, but I dont know how to create a bus route. Please, help me.

asked 23 May '21, 11:43

T3te's gravatar image

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A good start would be to read about route relation on the wiiki
This is quite complex if you are new to osm mapping and it would be best to practice simpler mapping tasks for a while first.

(23 May '21, 12:23) nevw

I second nevw's statement. Furthermore I see that you are using the in-broswer editor iD. That editor is totally unsuitable for mapping complex routes. If you really want to go down that road you should familiarize yourself with the JOSM editor.

(23 May '21, 22:59) TZorn

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question asked: 23 May '21, 11:43

question was seen: 1,021 times

last updated: 23 May '21, 22:59

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum